10 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil

10 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil

Interesting Uses for Coconut Oil

I felt this was necessary because a friend told me about how she uses coconut oil as a shaving cream.  At first I thought, she meant she put it into a shaving cream and she said no…instead of shaving cream.  Of course, my curious nature had to try that out and guess what…it WORKED!!! My legs got a close shave and they were super smooth.  I will never by shaving cream again!


Therefore, this post is dedicated to 10 amazing uses for coconut oil.


  1. Shaving cream: apply a thin amount (a little goes a long way) after taking a shower shave away
  2. Eye makeup remover
  3. Diaper Cream for babies
  4. Use it topically to kill yeast infections
  5. A small amount can be put in the hair to remove frizz
  6. Apply it to damp hair and let sit for 15-20 minutes as pre-wash (natural cleansing properties)
  7. Can rub it on your lips as a natural chapstick
  8. Use topically to soothe psoriasis or eczema
  9. Mix with salt and can remove dry skin off your feet
  10. Mix with baking soda for a natural whitening toothpaste


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