Morgan Armstrong

Morgan Armstrong

May name is Morgan and I LOVE fitness! I have a strong passion for fitness and health which I use to motivate individuals, particularly women who seek to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence by living a healthy and “fit” lifestyle!

I will be entering my first national qualifier bikini show for th let NPC at the Shawn Ray Classic on August 16th!

I’m certified by the American Fitness Institute and I’m a level I Power Plate Instructor. I’m currently studying to obtain my certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine as well as my Fitness Nutrition certification from the National Exercise Science and Training Association! What I do best is motivate others whilst specializing in fat loss, weight loss, athletic conditioning and nutrition plans that caters to the individuals needs based on their body types.

I also specialize in contest prep! So for all you ladies out there in need of a coach, let me help you through the process!

NPC Athlete, Morgan Armstrong

Aza Comics Superhero Fitness Challenge